When do we meet?
Regular Beaver, Cub and Scout meetings take place Monday to Thursday during term time (we tend to follow the terms as set by St Mary’s and Oxted Schools) at the following times:
(For general scouting enquiries contact Phil Hosp, Group Scout Leader 07799062103 or phil.hosp@1stoxtedscouts.com)
- Scouts – Barrow Green Troop 7.15pm – 9pm: Amanda Doran (07527 182139), Tony Pearson, Arthur Miller
- Cubs – Oak Pack 6.45pm – 8.15pm: Amanda Doran, Ben Miller, Marcus Roberts
- Cubs – Acorn Pack 6.30pm – 8pm: Akela – Andy Wright, tel. 01883 713942, Phil Hosp, Michelle Staples, Jon Wells,
- Hurst Green Beavers – Weds 5.00pm – 6:00pm: Lucy Hines, Rosy Coates
- Hurst Green Cubs – Weds 6.30pm – 8:00pm: Jane Hilson, Mark Swain
- Beavers – 5.40pm – 6.40pm: Elise Claringbull, Emme & Kit McDonald
- Scouts – Chalkpit Troop 7.15pm – 9pm: Lee Beech, James Moffatt, Matt Stone