We run three Scout Troops for youngsters aged 10-14 – Outdoor activities are a main feature with the highlights being camps, including Frost Camp each winter.
Throughout the year Scouts learn lots of skills such as camp cooking, map reading, first aid as well as taking part in activities such as climbing and archery.
The troops run as follows:
Oxted: Barrow Green Troop on Monday evenings 7:15-9:00pm – led by Amanda Doran
Oxted: Chalkpit Troop on Thursday evenings 7:15-9:00pm – led by a combined team of James, Matt, Sarah and Ian
Hurst Green: Hurst Green Scouts on Tuesday evenings 7:15-9:00pm – led by James Kelly
If your youngster would like to join us, or you have an interest in helping us out then please get in touch – we would love to hear from you.